To use MongoDB with C#, we should add the
MongoDB dll as reference to solution.You can download the latest version of
MongoDB dll from the Official site, Extract the Zipped folder and place in your
system path.
Note: MongoDB driver 2.0 will supports for framework 4.5 and higher, for 4.5 below versions recommended to use 1.10
Step by Step procedure to Add MongoDB reference to
Create the New Project as shown below.
Native ASP or MVC as per your usage(for framework > 4.0 )
Open solution explorer Right click on reference and ‘Add
Browse the dll and then click on OK to add
the MongoDB reference to the solution
After adding your solution should contain
three dll as the reference.
- MongoDB.Bson
- MongoDB.Driver
- MongoDB.Driver.core
Now we can access the MongoDB reference by adding Namespace in your class file.
Note: MongoDB driver 2.0 will supports for framework 4.5 and higher, for 4.5 below versions recommended to use 1.10